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| |--Open Your Heart and Home, Adopt a Pigeon and/or Dove
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| |--Pigeon and Dove Illnesses & injuries. Their symptoms and treatment
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| |--Pigeon and Dove Illness and Injury Discussion forum
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| |--Announcements
| |--About Us
| |--About You
|--Pigeons and Their Friends
| |--Pigeon and Dove Chit Chat
| |--Pigeon and Dove Pets
| |--Living with a Special Needs Pigeon and/or Dove
| |--Feral Pigeons and Doves
| |--Pigeon Behavior
| |--Balcony Pigeons
| |--Wood Pigeons and Collared Doves
| |--Baby Pigeons and Doves
| |--Animal Advocacy
| |--Open Your Heart and Home, Adopt a Pigeon and/or Dove
| |--Lost and Found
|--Emergency Room
| |--Baby Pigeon Illnesses, Injuries and Hand Raising
| |--Pigeon and Dove Illnesses & injuries. Their symptoms and treatment
| |--Pigeon Rescue, Suspect Injury
| |--Pigeon and Dove Illness and Injury Discussion forum
| |--Rescued pigeon, suspect Illness
| |--Pigeon Resources
| |--Pigeon Resources, Misc.
| |--Discussing Resources
| |--Dictionary
|--Pigeon Predators and Other Harmful Encounters
| |--Discussion of Pigeon Predators and Harmful Encounters
| |--Pigeon Safety
|--Special Features
| |--Chitter Chatter
| |--Did You Know . . .
| |--Feathered War Heroes
| |--Sharing fun, informative and interesting pigeon photos, videos, songs and more!
| |--Sharing Special Pigeon Stories
|--In Loving Memory
|--Guardian Angels
|--Rainbow Bridge