Passing this on again:
To view the thread go to: 5 banded birds rescued from park
These 5 birds were in the park from the am sitting away from the regular flock of pigeons huddled around a street stump. Four have bans the other only a plastic green band. They are absolutely beautiful fancy birds and obviously lost or dumped. Caught one early today, just caught the other the other 4 at 7:30pm knowing they would probably be huddled in a corner; and they were. They did not fly away all day but seem confused as to where they are. They remained on the ground all day as if waiting for someone to rescue them. Their bands numbers are as follows:
1968 IF 2008 SQC, MP98 21964, 1994 IF SQC 2008, 661 IF 2008 King Lou Race. The one with the green plastic band is a Fancy Bird with the feathers on the back of his head going the opposite way. I need to find out where they come from or even if this person is missing them, lost, or abandoned. I do know that I cannot keep 5 more birds but will do whatever I can to help them. They seem young and of beautiful coloring. Any help is appreciated. thanks roseanne