Providing Heat to Orphaned Pigeons and Doves
* It is
essential that orphaned birds be kept warm on a towel lined
heating pad, set on low or placed under a low wattage lamp.
* Since baby birds have difficulty regulating their body temperature,
wrapping them in a towel or keeping them in a warm room is not enough. They need a heat source.
(If no heating pad is available, a
hot water bottle may be used or
fill an old sock about 2/3 full of rice, microwave for a few seconds, making sure it isn't too hot & place it around the bird.
Do not turn the heating pad temperature too high thinking this will warm the baby bird faster. Low setting is recommended.
Birds need to be
warmed gradually until their body temperature has been maintained.
Do not put a baby bird in the sun to warm him. He will quickly become dehydrated.
Never attempt to feed a baby bird that is
cold or in any type of
respiratory distress. Baby birds
must be warmed before they can digest any food.
Keeping a baby bird warm is the most important step in saving his life.
* Many birds that appear near death have been revived after 20-30 minutes on a heating pad.