Oh - I am checking the nest every day. After I read about all your oops babies I am not going to let her play that trick on me! And....
this morning there was actually a third one in the nest
but I knew this would be coming from her behaviour!!!! So it was easy to just remove the real egg and leave the other two - probably tomorrow there will be another fresh one....
Apparently Pina is an egg fetishist- just like her mother Winnie who also was more interested in eggs than in the babies afterwards because poor Willy had to do all the job with feeding and changing the diapers...
Btw - Winnie is awfully molting at the moment but she is doing very well. She is coming every day several times to take breakfast and lunch and supper and often hangs around on the balcony with the gang. But she does not seem to be with Paulchen still - but I am not sure. Paulchen appears on the balcony sporadically but he does not come in though. But he seems to be doing very well.
Jimi is also coming each day but also here I am not sure whether he is still together with Alice. Alice has not appeared on the balcony for months so I do not know what happened to her. Could be that she is simply busy with raising the kids.