WARNING! In this reply are included some pictures that may shock some sensitive users, as they were taken on a stage where Balsa's injuries where really bad looking. I advise you to skip it, if you are sensitive to this kind of things! I chose to publish them anyway, because they may be useful to other users, as yours were to me. Thanks for your understanding!Hello, all Pigeon Angels!javascript:emoticonp(':Pigeon%20angel%20t')
First of all, let me apologise for the fact that I am only writing now. The truth is that I have been extremely busy these last couple of months, and I can also be very lazy sometimes, so I guess it's was a mix of both...javascript:emoticonp('
I already created my account more than a month ago (on 4th February) but, unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to come to the PC as often as I would like to. I really wanted to tell you all Balsa's story, but I kept postponing.... eheh
So, finally, here it goes: on January 18th this year, I was at my boyfriend's home but we had to go out to buy cigarretes (bad habit, i know... javascript:emoticonp(':Oh%20no:') eheh).
So, we both went out, and went to a grocery near my home, where I go sometimes (my boyfriend lives nearby me) and when we left the store, I just accidentaly looked at my street, and that's when I saw a brown pigeon lying on the middle of the street, with lots of feathers surrounding her!!! javascript:emoticonp('
I just love animals, and I can't stand see them suffering, so I slowly approached her, to see if I was able to check out what was wrong with her, and if there was something I could do to help her, even tough I was aware that, if she needed deep care, I was in trouble because, probably, my parents wouldn't allow me to bring her inside the house, because they have already refused before, and a female cat called Iris already lives there, as well as a small bird that she caught a few years ago on the roof (yes, it is really true! javascript:emoticonp('
') and miraculously survived.
When we approached her, I noticed that there was some blood on her right wing, (wich seemed to be bitten, because there were also some feathers missing on that wing - probably the ones that where lying on the floor) and that the only part of her body that she could actually move was her head... javascript:emoticonp('
')! javascript:emoticonp('
She definitely needed intensive care and a place to stay, in order to have a chance to survive.
Even tough it seemed to me that she was already half dead, I was willing to try, or at least give her all the care I could, and a calm place to stay or even to die, if it was her destiny.... javascript:emoticonp('
'), so I quickly went to talk to my parents, explaining them the situation and asking if I could take her home for a few days.
As I predicted, my parents didn't authorized me to take her home, even tough my mom frequentely feeds some pigeons that go there everyday...
There was nothing I could do, so I left my home and went back to my boyfriend's home, where I was going to stay the night...I had to leave her there, alone and suffering...javascript:emoticonp(':Very%20sad:').
It was already late at night, and after arriving my boyfriends home, I couldn't stop talking about the pigeon, so my boyfriend told me that he was gonna see what he could do, and if she was still there tomorrow morning when I went back home, maybe I could bring her to his house.
All I could think about was that poor pigeon that I left there, alone and in pain, exposed to so many dangerous situations that may occur...javascript:emoticonp(':Banging%20head')
When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I remembered was her, but I started thinking the worst: that she may have already died, due to her deep injuries and cold. But still, I needed to try, if I had the chance!
So I quickly took a bath and asked my boyrfriend if I could bring her home afterall, if she was still alive. He said yes, that he had been thinking and that she could stay at a little division that he has at his home, that is very small but has a window, and that we use to keep some plants.
After that, I quickl left my boyfriends home, and went almost running to my street, to check if the pigeon was still there. When I arrived, I didn't saw her imediately, so I tought the worst: maybe she had died during the night, or got eaten, or something...
But then, when I looked at some rocks that were on the ground, near the wall of the building where I live, there she was, lying on top of them!
Even today, I'm not sure if she went there for cover all by herself, or if someone took her there. I think it's more probable that someone did it, because she only started standing on her foot a few weeks after I brought her home....
Anyway, when I saw her and understood that she was still living, I quickly went home to pick up a box to transport her.
I found it easy to put her in there, because she couldn't move at all, as I said before, the only thing she moved was her head (this was one of the things that made me beleive that she could make it afterall, even tough I knew that the chances that she may survive were less..)
When I arrived my boyfriend's home, he already had everything prepared for Balsa's reception. javascript:emoticonp(':Yes%202:') javascript:emoticonp('
At first, and once she couldn't move, I left her free on the room, without any kind of box, only some carpets on the floor to keep her clean.
I didn't knew wheter she would be able to eat or drink, so I gave her water on a seringe, but she only started drinking after a while, because her beek seemed to be "glued", and my boyfriend had to open it with his fingers, after I watered it a bit. I guess she was extremely desidratated.... javascript:emoticonp('That%20doesnt%20add').
I fed her a bit with a seringe, after filling it with bread mixed with water, but thank God I soon understood that she could and wanted to eat solid food, as she quickly swallowed a bit of wet bread that I gave her a few hours later. javascript:emoticonp('
At first, we couldn't really understand what was wrong with her, I presumed that she was bitten by another animal (a dog, or a seagull, maybe), so I didn't payed much attention to the fact that she couldn't stand (silly me.. javascript:emoticonp(':Banging%20head')),javascript:emoticonp(':Oh%20man:')
I tought she might be very weak because of the injury, so I treated only the area of the wing and neck, that had no feathers, and the side of the wing, where I could also see that there were also a few feathers missing.
I used Betadine and Bacitracine, and then I left her to rest for a couple of hours. Then, when I came back, she was not at the same place, and it took me a while to find her behind a door, shaking....javascript:emoticonp('
I decided it was better to restrict her to a small area while she was recovering. This way, she would be more quiet, and will also avoid even more damage.
I got a wooden box that he had in the house and covered it with hay that I bought meanwhile at an animal shop nearby, to keep her warm.
These are the first pics I took her, a few days after she arrived here (I tried to avoid taking her pictures, because she started shaking everytime I pointed the camera at her, even today she still doesn't enjoy it much.. javascript:emoticonp('
') ) :
Once she couldn't stand, I had to fed her on my hand all this time. There were some days when she didn't ate much, but now she is feeding ok and all by herself, she not even wants to eat by my hand nowadays, so I don't have to worry!
I had already treated a few pigeons when I was still a child, but only small injures, so I started a research on the internet about anything that may help me to make this poor pigeon survive.
After a couple of days, I found Teresa's profile on another website, where she explained Piper's story. When I found the page, I was sooo happy!!! javascript:emoticonp('
Looking at Piper's pictures made me think that Balsa could defenitely make it, even tough she may never fly again, but still, maybe she could survive!
To tell you the truth, everyday when I woke up and went to her room to check her out and to uncover the box (I cover it with a blanket by night, so that she won't get cold) I prayed to God that she was still living, before I open the door... javascript:emoticonp('
'). Thank God she is a really strong pigeon, and she is getting better everyday" javascript:emoticonp('
So, after reading carefuly Teresa's profile, I thought about sending her a message, asking for help. If she was able to help Piper, maybe she could help me to figure out what was wrong with Balsa, and how I could help her.
It didn't took much days for me to receive Teresa's reply! It was a really precious help, you have no idea! Actually, all of this time that I've been taking care of Balsa (3 months and a week) I've been in contact with Teresa quite often through e-mail, and if it wasn't for her, I'm not sure if Balsa had survived.
After a few days, Balsa started to drink water on a bowl, and eating better! She still didn't eat alone, but she ate most of the times that I putted food on my hand and lift it to her beek. javascript:emoticonp('
She still couldn't stand, so I started leaving some seeds and crackers on the floor, near her, to incentivate her to move a bit.
This is how she was looking these days:
So, how I was telling, Teresa has revealed to be a very good, caring and nice person, because she not only wrote to me almost everyday ever since, gave me lots of info that I used to help Balsa the best way that I could, made me understand what was wrong with her, and always made the right diagnosis (I know it's incredible, but Teresa REALLY ROCKS!! javascript:emoticonp(':Yes%202:') javascript:emoticonp('
')) - she made me understand that she had Salmonella, and not a broken wing, and that the fact that her feaces where too liquid was due to the fact that she was also suffering from Trichomoniasis, as well as many other things she taught me in detail in her extremely well explained emails... ), but she also sent me ALL THE MEDICINES that I used to cure Balsa's diseases (except for Synulox that I was able to find at a pharmacy nearby me, and I could afford to buy), because I had difficulties finding some of them, and the others I unfortunately couldn't afford to buy them, because I've been unemployed for more than a year, and I still haven't found a job, so I basicly had no money to buy them, and it was killing me... javascript:emoticonp(':Banging%20head')javascript:emoticonp('
For all of this, I can never thank Teresa enough, all I can say is that she is an outstanding person, and that I thank God that there are still people like her around, who love animals and try to do everything they can to helpo n easing their pain.
For everything you done, javascript:emoticonp(':Thank%20You:') Teresa!! You are a REAL ANIMAL FRIEND AND ANGEL!javascript:emoticonp('
')javascript:emoticonp(':Pigeon%20angel%20t')javascript:emoticonp(':Circle%20of%20Love') javascript:emoticonp('Thank%20You:').
So, as I was telling before, Teresa made me realize understand and cure many of Balsa's problems, but I still haven't found one of the worst yet: her legs...
Balsa started recovering, specially on her posture: she was becoming more alert, she was slowly starting to move her body, but still, she couldn't stand...javascript:emoticonp('
A couple of days later, I took her on my hand and looked at her legs, and I found out that she had no fingers on her left leg javascript:emoticonp(':Very%20sad:'), and that something should be wrong with her right feet, because the fingers were not streched, and
Teresa was also worried about this, but I had no chance to do more that day than using Betadine and a bit of Bacitracine, because shortly after I started the examination, my boyfriend's parents arrived home, and I had to put her on the box again, so that they won't see her (they still didn't knew she was here... javascript:emoticonp('
') eheh).
So, after a couple of days, my boyfriend's parents went out for a good time, and I had the chance to finally find out what was wrong with her legs.
I asked my boyfriend's help, followed Teresa's advice, and I covered her eyes and body with a towel, and landed her on my legs. What I saw was terrifying javascript:emoticonp(':Close%20call:')javascript:emoticonp('
') :
She not only had hair strings attached very tight to her left leg, as she also had a finger missing on her other feet, and the legs colour was a mix of yellow, green, black and grey!!!! javascript:emoticonp('
javascript:emoticonp(':Very%20sad:'). I'm not sure, but I think she had gangrene...javascript:emoticonp('
At this point, I have to thank not only Teresa but also to you, all Pigeon Angels! First of all, I thank to the person who created this site, but I also have to thank all the other users who keep this site alive everyday, by sharing their experiences here, that definetely help other people who are treating injured pigeons. YOU ROCK!!!javascript:emoticonp(':Star%20quality:')javascript:emoticonp('
')javascript:emoticonp('Thank%20You:') I specially want to thank to the user Cynthia, because it was her thread (http://www.pigeonangels.com/t146-feet-string-and-thread-injuries?highlight=string) that made me release Balsa of all of the hair strings that were still on her leg, causing her unimaginable pain. It was really useful, thank you so much!! javascript:emoticonp(':Circle%20of%20Love')javascript:emoticonp(':Thank%20You:')
So, it was basicly it! After a few days taking the medicines, Balsa finally started to get better! javascript:emoticonp(':Woo%20Hoo:').
A few weeks later, some feathers started to come out! javascript:emoticonp('
'). And, one day, I saw her stand on her feet for the first time!
javascript:emoticonp('Happy%20Dance')javascript:emoticonp(':Woo%20Hoo:') I was SOOO happy!
She has been recovering more and more ever since. She stays up all the time, except for a few times that she likes to lay down a bit, but she quickly gets up when she sees me aproaching! eheh
Even when she's sleeping, she stands on her feet many times.
Unfortunately, today was a rainy day here, but just as Teresa said, lately Balsa has been sunning herself, in captivity, on the rooftops of Lisbon! javascript:emoticonp(':Yes%202:')javascript:emoticonp('
Once my boyfriend's parents don't spend much time at home during the week days, I started to let her be outside the box, hanging around on the room most of the day. She loves it! javascript:emoticonp('
A few days ago, as soon as I took her out, she started streching her legs and wings! It was soooo cute! javascript:emoticonp(':Little%20heart:').
I also see her sometimes beeking her feathers, streching her wings and flying a bit (once she came out of the box all by herself).
She has been pulling out feathers sometimes, but like Teresa informed me, it's a good sign, because most of them are old and danificated feathers.
She still doesn't fly much, but I hope it gets better in time.
Actually, I'm really thankful for all the improvements she's done so far. javascript:emoticonp('
'). She even took a bath all by herself the other day, it was stunning! javascript:emoticonp('
These are the last pictures, I took a few days ago:
Her legs still need to cicatrize better, and I need to "train" her and try to make her fly again. Only time will tell. I hope she gets better, and I hope that I may be able to set her free again some day, but even if it's not possible, I'm really glad she is surviving and getting better!
Once again, thank you so much Teresa, I know all the time I dedicate to Balsa was crucial for her recovering, like you said, but if it wasn't for your tips and the medication you gave me, maybe Balsa wouldn't have survived... And even if she did, I'm sure she wouldn't be as better as she is today. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much! javascript:emoticonp(':Circle%20of%20Love').
I also have to thank again to the "Pigeon Angels" creator/s and members for this wonderful and educational site javascript:emoticonp(':#%201:'),
I'm really happy to see that there are pigeon lovers all over the world! javascript:emoticonp(':Feeding%20the%20pi')javascript:emoticonp(':Worldwide%20hug:')javascript:emoticonp(':Feeding%20a%20pige').
Now that I finally finished telling you Balsa's story, I promise I'll keep you updated about the latest news and pictures. javascript:emoticonp('
'). I will also start to participate in other topics, when I have the chance to come here to the site.
Once again, thanks a lot for your help, and for you interest!
Talk to you soon!
Big hugs,