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 Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella

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Special Pigeon Angel

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Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Empty
PostSubject: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeWed Oct 21, 2009 1:18 pm

Four days ago, after feeding my pigeons I was walking in the garden when I saw something white on the grass. It is moulting season and there are feathers everywhere. This looked a little bit more compact then loose feathers so I had a closer look.
It was small baby pigeon barely alive. Took it in, and after checking him and I was horrified. Vent was caked with smelly faeces. Crop and throat impacted with canker, smelly. Feathers full of crawling things all colors and shapes. All his body covered with wounds probably from pecking.
I cleaned his vent with warm water and mild shampoo, then cut feathers around to prevent further soiling. Placed him in the hospital cage and switched heating on.
Gave him Spartrix tablet and swabbed throat with diluted in water Iodine.
Hour later I gave him 10 ml watery mix of baby formula and honey.
Day 1 - In the morning I was relieved to find him alive, but barely. Poop was dark green, slimy and smelly, very salmonella/canker like. I gave him 15 ml formula mix and started treatment with combination of Sulphadimetazine, Chlorampenicol, Metronidazole and Furazolidone. To boost his immune system I used Beta Glucan with vitamin B complex.
Day one, baby didn’t show any improvement, it was sleeping most of the time and by the end of the day I realized that his crop stopped working and baby developed slight neurological symptoms – head tremors. I gave him another dose of medications and 10 ml chamomile tea with honey and lemon juice.
Day 2 - In the morning baby was slightly better, at least squeaking weakly for food. Crop was thankfully empty. Dose of medication and 10 ml baby formula mix, more honey than formula followed. By mid morning, I gave another immune booster and 5 ml chamomile tea. Then I realized something that I should noticed from very beginning. Baby would open eyes briefly and closed them again. Most of the time it would keep them closed. I did light test and his eyes where dark red, no iris at all. Baby was blind. I went too the books, searched net and found that Salmonella, Toxoplasmosis, overdose of Dimetridazole or Ivermectin can be the cause. Only salmonella was mentioned that leaves eyes colorless. Ruled out last three and left with very, very bad feeling.
In my desperation to do something I took Coloidal Silver and washed his eyes.
End of the day, I repeated medication, and 20 ml formula, and eyewash. Baby was weak, but begging for food.
Day 3 – Baby was better, found him in the morning sitting out of the nest bowl and the moment I spoke to him, jumped on the feet and started squeaking. Only changes during the day was that I dropped him with Ivermectin despite being afraid to use it in his condition. By the end of the day, he was responding on my voice but still no changes on his eyes. Throat cleared and poop become firmer.
Today – I went to him dressed differently, it was hot morning and when tried to pick him I received the most precise wing slap on the hand that it took me some time to absorb this act. When I spoke, he started squeaking and come straight to me. His vision recovered. At least on one eye but it is definitely something. His poop is firm, still not perfect though, but he is hungry non stop. Preening, flapping wings…looks more like pigeon now. And it doesn’t sleep so much, he follows me with eyes as I walk around. If I start talking to him, he answers and tries to come to me. The day is over and I can relax too.
I have another two birds to worry about, one bad case of canker and one of mycoplasma infection, but these are bit more predictable. (I hope)
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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeWed Oct 21, 2009 1:35 pm

Ah, bless! I know that pigeons can maintain quality of life even if they are completely blind, but I was overwhelmed with happiness when you said he had some vision at least.

That is a beautiful little baby, and so lucky to have been found !
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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeWed Oct 21, 2009 2:57 pm

What a precious little one. Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella 803589

I'm so glad you spotted him and I'm sure he was as well.

Thanks for sharing his story with us.
Sending lots positive thoughts that his recovery goes without incident as well as the other two.

Please do keep us posted.
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeWed Oct 21, 2009 3:24 pm

I am absolutely amazed again and again when I read all those stories about saving these sweet little creatures who seem to be doomed to death. It appears to me like a miracle that you saved this little one, Plamenh - at least so it seems. You have my deep admiration and I am sending you my heartfelt best wishes that your little patient will recover fully. You are a true Pigeon angel
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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeWed Oct 21, 2009 9:18 pm

Extraordinary story, Plamenh, and so moving! I was on the edge of my seat reading it.
That little bird had a very difficult start in life, and I'm so glad that you spotted him and were able to give him a chance to live, even restore his eyesight!
Pigeon angel
Thank you for telling us about this little fellow and also for the detailed account of the way you treated him -- who knows if one of us others will be called upon to help another bird in a similar condition...
Best wishes for the little one's continued recovery, and congratulations to you for never giving up, no matter what the odds are!
YOU rock
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeWed Oct 21, 2009 11:20 pm

:moo: What a story! I'm so very happy you found the baby. How is he doing today?
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeWed Oct 21, 2009 11:45 pm

It is new day and it looks promising the eyes are still clouded with blood color, but his right eye has some semblance of iris now. Good news is that he started to see on the other eye too. There was a lot of squeaking and complains about a size of rations in this place, but I'm still scared to give him more.

Quote :
Thank you for telling us about this little fellow and also for the detailed account of the way you treated him -- who knows if one of us others will be called upon to help another bird in a similar condition...

Teresa, this was actually the reason I go into treatment details. When I came across information that whole lofts were exterminated because of this disease. Pigeons become sick, their eyes loose color and become red. Blindness causes starvation and owners decide to get rid of the birds.

Quote :
I did not know what caused it but an older fancier told me never keep any strays in your loft not even overnight as he did keep a stray in his loft for 3 or 4 days and all his old birds went blind and he had to dispose of them.

I don't have a problem to train blind bird to eat and drink, but no one will be able to cope with blindness of 20 and more birds in their loft and that is one of the reasons why I'm so happy that baby's eyesight recovered.
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2009 11:44 am

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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2009 12:01 pm

Oh...the baby really likes her little nest. Must make her feel safe.
Sweet pictures, plamenh. She looks like a different bird.
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2009 12:17 pm

Plamenh - I am sooo happy that this little angel is recovering. What a sad fate it had but thanks to your love and care changed into something good. I really hope very much that you will be able to heal him completely. It is such a beautiful sweet bird. Circle of Love Circle of Love
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2009 12:24 pm

Yes Charis, there is an improvement she can use both eyes now and I am extremely happy. From tomorrow I'll increase slightly feeding amount and vitamins. Nest bowl is still center of the universe, but she wants me to hold her and preen her and squeaks of desperation follow me all the time while I'm around. Smile

Petra, baby is much better now than it was originally so, knock on wood, I breath bit easier.
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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2009 3:12 pm

It's great to hear things are improving for this sweet little one. Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella 142829
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2009 3:15 pm

My goodness, I have just caught up with this story, it's so heart warming.

It's like reading a fairy tale, each little improvement must give you so much pleasure.

I'm fascinated by all the treatments you use, you must have a real Pandora's Box of lotions and potions at you disposal. It makes very intesting reading, thanks for detailing all of that.

I particularly like to read of the combinations of homeopathic remedies you use in conjuction with your other meds. I try to utilise them more now in treating both birds and my dogs, especially one that can't tolerate conventional meds.

Wishing your baby continued progress, look forward to the updates.

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2009 6:30 pm

Oh, baby looks so much better!
Thrilled Thrilled Thrilled
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeFri Oct 23, 2009 12:11 am

jamy wrote:

I'm fascinated by all the treatments you use, you must have a real Pandora's Box of lotions and potions at you disposal. It makes very intesting reading, thanks for detailing all of that.

I particularly like to read of the combinations of homeopathic remedies you use in conjuction with your other meds. I try to utilise them more now in treating both birds and my dogs, especially one that can't tolerate conventional meds.


Yes, my Pandora cupboard is full of bits and pieces That's too funny
By posting detailed information of the treatment I hope to help someone in similar situation.
Yesterday I found that Chevita GmbH also switched to Chloramphenicol for Salmonella in pigeons. Before they was on Tetracycline.
I was using Doxycicline in the past, but I gave up using medicated water wherever I could.
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeFri Oct 23, 2009 12:04 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeFri Oct 23, 2009 7:31 pm

Wonderful, wonderful pictures! What an adorable baby!
Have you given her/him a name?
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeFri Oct 23, 2009 11:00 pm

Teresa wrote:
Wonderful, wonderful pictures! What an adorable baby!
Have you given her/him a name?

Not yet, this is bit problematic for me, as s/he is still undefined gender. Smile
This morning there was a lot of fuss about me being late with breakfast (3 min) and it jumped straight to me. I gave 30 ml mix and vitamins.
After that baby seems to forgive me and went straight to sleep. Only occasional sleepy piiip from the nest indicated that s/he knows that I'm around.
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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeFri Oct 23, 2009 11:16 pm

Your most recent photos are adorable. No surprise there. Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_wink
This one in particular is priceless. It looks like it's 'show and tell' time. Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella 334215

"Now this is the underside of my wing and it has feathers too"

Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Plamen10
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeSat Oct 24, 2009 4:16 am

I can only repeat, Plamenh, this baby is something very special and so sweet and it seems to have a very special relationship with you. Very moving I love it/them
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeSat Oct 24, 2009 7:06 am

pigeonwriter wrote:
I can only repeat, Plamenh, this baby is something very special and so sweet and it seems to have a very special relationship with you. Very moving I love it/them

Well, Petra what can I do? Baby was so sick, dying on the grass, abandoned by parents. At least I can try to provide warmth, care and security.
Being around baby creates tight bond that only mating with other pigeon will loosen a bit after time. It has been almost a week and whenever I speak to the birds, baby hears me over the ongoing cacophony of sounds and answers with peeping. The moment I speak to him/her it starts squeaking and wing flapping. No such reaction when it hears other pigeons though.
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeSat Oct 24, 2009 7:16 am

Today's photo update:
Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Image060 Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Image061
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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeSat Oct 24, 2009 7:33 am

It's great to see her so active. Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella 26340
Preening is such a good sign. Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella 142829
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Special Pigeon Angel

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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeSat Oct 24, 2009 8:33 am

Yes, this was after afternoon feeding and climbing all over me. Smile
Now it's sleeping of course.
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PostSubject: Re: Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella   Blind Baby pigeon with Salmonella Icon_minitimeSat Oct 24, 2009 8:18 pm

Cuteness overload! Tickled Pink Happy Dance
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